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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
  1 2
Trip: 84884
Depart:1:00 PM
Return:10:00 PM
Baseball game
Baseball game
Req by: Inge Heijligers
Trip: 84913
Unit:Green Hornet
Depart:6:00 AM
Return:6:00 PM
OAP Contest
Contest Day.
Req by: Leanne Bryant

Trip: 84912
Unit:2012 Suburban
Depart:6:00 AM
Return:6:00 PM
OAP Contest
Contest Day.
Req by: Leanne Bryant
Trip: 84915
Unit:2012 Suburban
Depart:6:00 AM
Return:10:00 PM
OAP Contest
Contest Day.
Req by: Leanne Bryant

Trip: 84914
Unit:Green Hornet
Depart:6:00 AM
Return:10:00 PM
OAP Contest
Contest Day
Req by: Leanne Bryant
5 6
7 8 9 10
Trip: 85002
Depart:6:00 AM
Return:8:00 PM
Track and Field 2024
Area Meet
Req by: Inge Heijligers
Trip: 85240
Unit:Green Hornet
Depart:5:00 AM
Return:11:55 AM
This request is in the event that we advance to the area contest - so that Robert doesn't have to go crazy looking for vehicles.
Req by: Leanne Bryant

Trip: 85241
Unit:2020 Suburban
Depart:5:00 AM
Return:11:55 PM
This request is in the event that we advance to the area contest so that Robert doesn't have to scramble for vehicles.
Req by: Leanne Bryant
Trip: 85241
Unit:2020 Suburban
Depart:5:00 AM
Return:11:55 PM
This request is in the event that we advance to the area contest so that Robert doesn't have to scramble for vehicles.
Req by: Leanne Bryant

Trip: 85240
Unit:Green Hornet
Depart:5:00 AM
Return:11:55 AM
This request is in the event that we advance to the area contest - so that Robert doesn't have to go crazy looking for vehicles.
Req by: Leanne Bryant
14 15
Trip: 86284
Unit:2012 Suburban
Depart:7:30 AM
Return:4:15 PM
College Tour
I am taking Ava Sotelo on a college tour.
Req by: Leanne Bryant
Trip: 85219
Unit:2012 Suburban
Depart:7:00 AM
Return:4:00 PM
ag cde
Poultry and Livestock Judgingboth ag trucks will be needed that day as well.
Req by: Landon Logan

Trip: 84885
Unit:Green Hornet
Depart:3:00 PM
Return:10:00 PM
Baseball game
Baseball game
Req by: Inge Heijligers
17 18
Trip: 82760
Depart:9:00 AM
Return:3:30 PM
Field Trip
Pk3 through 2nd grade will attend the Children's museum and have lunch at Commerce City Park, weather permitting, then return to school.
Req by: Marisela Guillen

Trip: 86378
Unit:Green Hornet
Depart:12:00 PM
Return:10:00 PM
Regionals track and field
Regionals track and field
Req by: Inge Heijligers
Trip: 86378
Unit:Green Hornet
Depart:12:00 PM
Return:10:00 PM
Regionals track and field
Regionals track and field
Req by: Inge Heijligers
Trip: 86378
Unit:Green Hornet
Depart:12:00 PM
Return:10:00 PM
Regionals track and field
Regionals track and field
Req by: Inge Heijligers
21 22 23 24
Trip: 86418
Unit:2012 Suburban
Depart:7:00 AM
Return:4:00 PM
Floral Contest
Floral Contest
Req by: Christin Fortenberry
Trip: 85239
Unit:Green Hornet
Depart:5:00 AM
Return:11:55 PM
This request is being sent in the event that we advance to the region contest so Robert does not have to scramble to find vehicles.
Req by: Leanne Bryant

Trip: 85238
Unit:2020 Suburban
Depart:5:00 AM
Return:11:55 PM
This request is being sent in the event we advance to the region contest - just so Robert doesn't have to scramble at the last minute.
Req by: Leanne Bryant
Trip: 85239
Unit:Green Hornet
Depart:5:00 AM
Return:11:55 PM
This request is being sent in the event that we advance to the region contest so Robert does not have to scramble to find vehicles.
Req by: Leanne Bryant

Trip: 85238
Unit:2020 Suburban
Depart:5:00 AM
Return:11:55 PM
This request is being sent in the event we advance to the region contest - just so Robert doesn't have to scramble at the last minute.
Req by: Leanne Bryant

Trip: 85099
Unit:2012 Suburban
Depart:7:00 AM
Return:9:00 PM
UIL Regionals
Regional Meet
Req by: Marcy Hayden

Trip: 84893
Depart:3:00 PM
Return:10:00 PM
Baseball game
Baseball game
Req by: Inge Heijligers
Trip: 85099
Unit:2012 Suburban
Depart:7:00 AM
Return:9:00 PM
UIL Regionals
Regional Meet
Req by: Marcy Hayden
28 29 30
Trip: 86419
Depart:8:30 AM
Return:11:45 AM
Gardening Field Trip
We will go to Hootens Tree and Lawn Services. Students will learn about different types of flowers and plants and will then purchase them.
Req by: Toby Holland